The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 20: Bug

Following the chart to 52 drawings this year.

The scarab beetle was sacred in ancient Egypt. (I am not an Ancient Egyptian, just to be clear). The god Khepri, who was Ra as the rising sun, was represented by a scarab beetle-headed man. Khepri would roll the sun across the sky in the same way the scarab (or dung beetle) would roll dung into a ball into which they laid their eggs so that as the larvae emerged they were surrounded by a food source. (I know, gross, but nature’s recyclers, right?) It was this birth and cycle of renewal that corresponded to the birth of the sun each morning. Here is my scarab beetle:

The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 19: Eyes

Following the chart to 52 drawings this year.

I picked up my drawing pencils in 2016 after a very long hiatus. I had written a kids science fiction story and thought it would be cool to have illustrations. Long story short, my first attempts were terrible. In addition, I couldn’t visualize exactly what I wanted to sketch. Back to the drawing board… literally. In order to improve and to teach myself anew, I started using photography for inspiration. I have a coffee table book of Man Ray’s stunning images, so I started paging through. “Glass Tears” is one of his most famous photos and is part of a large collection of photographic art owned by Sir Elton John. I had the privilege of seeing this collection in person last year when it was on exhibition at The Tate in London. That’s me in the selfie reflection:

I decided to draw this again because it features ‘eyes’ so prominently. Here is my “Glass Tears” sketch:

The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 17: Favorite Animal

Following the chart to 52 drawings this year.

I love animals but they are hard to draw. So far the best animal drawing I’ve done is of my friend Son of a Beach’s donkeys Ticky and Tacky. I was really tempted to cheat and use that drawing for the challenge. However, I am drawing every week so as to improve, thus recycling an old drawing doesn’t help. I have both a dog and a cat for pets and I drew my cat for the ‘four legged friend’ challenge and ‘pets’ is an upcoming challenge so I’ll save the dog for that week. What’s my next favorite animal? The adorable and ever so clever SQUIRRELS!!!!

Bonus … Here are Ticky and Tacky too: