When We Were Beautiful

My old friend, do you remember?
How hours rolled away slowly
Like the swash on a calm, clear day
As if we had all the time in the world
Summers full of sunlight
The sweet smell of heat and salt in the air
With unheavy hearts and unburdened minds
Sand between our brightly painted toes
Leaving fleeting footprints in the strand
Sunburned skin cooling to a tan
Beneath gauzy cotton dresses
Hanging lightly on our gazelle bodies
While the breeze tousled our tresses
Streaked with copper and gold
There were pretty boys we loved so desperately
But soon forgotten when the seasons changed
How easily broken hearts mended
When we were butterflies flitting in the wind
Yes I remember…
And I smile as I see what we’ve become
But now we will have fun again
Like we did when we were beautiful


Here you are all two dimensional
Flat and plane
One wrong move on my part
And you disappear
I need to poke holes in that fabric
Let my gravity leak through
And pull you closer
Or push you further away
I can’t find anything sharp enough
To penetrate the surface
You’re like Kevlar
I need a hollow point bullet
Filled with contempt
‘Duty is an ugly mistress’
So why keep going?
Take a good look and decide
Cover my face with kisses
Because if you go
You won’t ever see me again

Two lovely years


I just got the notice that it’s been two years since I started my WordPress blog. I’m not sure if my stats are amazing or pathetic compared to other blogs. But I do know this… I’ve met and made some wonderful friends. I’ve received support, encouragement and hopefully given the same in return. I’ve shared a whole lot of laughter and a little bit of tears. I’ve expanded my knowledge, broadened my horizons and honed my writing skills.

I just want to say thank you to all of you for following along and making this a great place to be. Merci beaucoup!