Painting (35) Coffee Time

In learning to paint, you quickly find those subjects that are easier for you and thus, you can fall into the habit of painting those same things over and over again. For me, forests and oceans are my go-to themes. But in the spirit of stretching out, I decided to try a still life for a change. I’ve drawn still life scenes and tried one with the Apple Pencil and Procreate but this is my first try on canvas. Here is my still life: Coffee Time.

Painting (33) Bright Poppies, Dark Field

Poppies have become a favorite subject to paint. I’d love to plant them in my garden [if I’m ever able to get out to a garden center this year] but in the meantime, I can at least adorn my walls with them. It’s said the poppies grew more abundantly on the soil where the soldiers fell on the Western Front during the Great War. So while they are a symbol of remembrance, they also remind us of how the earth heals itself. From the ravished earth springs forth new life. We see how nature is taking a deep breath while we have lowered our impact on it. The air is fresher, the waterways are cleaner and the birds seem to be singing more loudly. A bright spot, if you will, during this dark time. Here are my Bright Poppies in a Dark Field: