The Broken Ankle, Surgery and Other Medical Adventures

My new year is not off to a good start. Tuesday morning I fell on my stairs and broke my ankle. The ligaments were also badly damaged and I needed surgery. That happened on Thursday and they say it went well. There is a plate and some screws holding everything together in there. I have to keep my leg elevated above my heart for the next two weeks. I anticipate serious boredom. I guess that pile of reading material I have stocked up will get consumed.

When I feel up to it, I’ll tell you more of the story. The hospital experience was unique and pretty humorous at times. AND the care I’ve received has been wonderful.

Signing out from The Galway Clinic…

64 thoughts on “The Broken Ankle, Surgery and Other Medical Adventures

  1. Oh lord. You sound like J. We were packing the car to head down to New Orleans a few years back. She’d gone down to our cellar to get something, missed the bottom step, broke her foot. Got her taken care of and ended up driving down anyway, with her foot up on the dash the whole way. Good times. Take of that ankle, and keep it elevated. Ice may become your best friend for a couple of weeks. 😃

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    1. Oh man, there’s no way I could still go on a trip! J is a tough girl! Although when H got home and found me he couldn’t believe I wasn’t screaming. I’ll rest up and keep it elevated. Got lots of books to catch up on!

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  2. Be patient with yourself, Meg. I’m sure this will provide fodder for some writing at some point in the future, but for now, concentrate on healing. Hope you are not in too much pain, and if you get bored there’s always the option of going on a shopping spree on Amazon! Take care and get well as soon as possible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Linda! I will take it easy. I have plenty of good books to read and I will binge watch something my husband isn’t interested in. And a shopping spree sounds perfect!🤗

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  3. Oh no, take care, Meg! Rest up, read up, and, well–if there was humor involved–maybe this will all make for a good story one day. Not much of a comfort, but I’m glad to know you’re being taken care of well in Galway. You hate to have to try out a new country’s health system right away. Healing vibes coming your way!

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      1. I didn’t know you were a nurse, Holly. Very cool! I’m quite frustrated right now but I figure it only gets better from here. I will work at getting better! And thank you! 💖

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  4. Sorry to hear about your ankle. That must be very painful. I hope it heals soon. How are doing otherwise? How’s your new(er) home and your writ8ng coming?

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  5. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear ….. Don’t worry a hoot …. this is a perfect excuse to do all the things you want to do from the sofa. Reading, writing, watching an entire box set of something with Orlando Bloom/Brad Pitt/Clint Eastwood (delete as appropriate), toenail painting, naval gazing … everything! Milk it for all it’s worth. Hope you’re not in any pain … if so, demand drugs. Get better soon (but not until you’ve done all the above). Sending hugs, Katie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! For the well wishes and making me smile! Well, I have lots to read, watch and listen to. And my sketch pad is portable so I’ll do my best to keep busy. Appreciate your kind thoughts! 💖

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  6. Oh Meg, this is a bummer! I’m glad you got good medical care. Being a month out from my knee surgery, I can commiserate about elevation and the discomfort when trying to sleep. Best wishes for a quick recovery!

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    1. Thanks, Eilene. It sure is a bummer. I’m not in too much pain but finding a comfortable position is a challenge for sure. Ah, well… I suppose it’s only going to get better from here. Onward….

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  7. I am so sorry to hear about your fall and surgery. Take rest and get well soon. Treat it as a good break and do whatever you like for which you did not find time earlier.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Prema. I will rest up and recuperate. I have plenty to read and watch over the next few weeks. And hopefully I’ll catch up on some of my research and writing!


  8. Oh, my! I spent 2 months laid up with a broken ankle and wrist from a fall. It took a full year to get my full mobility back, I despaired of ever recovering, but have finally. Take very good care of yourself, go to a physical therapist once you are able to start putting weight on it again. A good PT can make a world of difference. But, of course, you know that already, Doc. So glad to see you back on the blog again. Here’s to your health.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Debbie. I’ll be a good patient and follow all the doctor’s orders. Getting around on crutches is hard! All the simple things you do all day become ten times more difficult!


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