Painting (25) Barren Tree

I needed a little mental health break and I had one last blank canvas to use before I pack up all my art supplies. While the result is a little eerie, the process of painting all the little branches of this barren tree was soothing. And the background is cheerful at least. Here is the last painting I will do in this house:

39 thoughts on “Painting (25) Barren Tree

    1. I’m so happy you like it! I have yet to establish an online shop for my art. And at this point I will wait till we have relocated, but I appreciate your confidence in my abilities, my friend! Thanks again! 💖


      1. I can understand. You have a lot on your hands now. I am actually amazed at the way you juggle your work so efficiently- writing, researching, blogging, drawing and painting while in the process of relocating to another country!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you! I’m doing the absolute minimum at this point. But once I’m resettled I’ll get back to work in earnest!


    1. Thank you so much, Dee! It is a little bittersweet and I’m probably crazy for adding one more thing to pack. But I will have one last memory of painting in my Pennsylvania home!

      Liked by 1 person

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