The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 36: Something Near You

Following the chart to 52 drawings this year.

This is kind of wide open. It really could be any person, place or thing in your vicinity. I chose to draw another Philadelphia landmark – the Walt Whitman Bridge, which crosses the Delaware River from Philadelphia to Gloucester City in Camden County, New Jersey. Walt Whitman, one of America’s best loved poets, made Camden his home after suffering a stroke. He died there and his home is open to the public. Here is the Walt Whitman Bridge:

I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world. ~ Walt Whitman

32 thoughts on “The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 36: Something Near You

      1. Oh, I believe that. I’m not diminishing her fame or significance. Just that, being Philly, and with a plethora of historical figures to choose from, Ms. Ross wouldn’t have been my first guess. 🤔

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      2. Ah you have to let me know! There are a couple of places not on the regular tour that you’d love: The Mutter Museum, for one. It’s a museum of medical oddities! And super cool!

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  1. Looking good, they’re tricky for sure. I had a go at the Golden Gate Bridge when I was there and it took several attempts for the curves – and that was with half of it obscured by fog which was also included in the drawing, in other words half of the curve I didn’t need to draw !!

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      1. There’s certainly more to be learnt from drawing from life. Note that whilst learning the end result might not be as ‘polished’ as from a photo but there’s something more alive about those sketches I find.

        I really should do more from life myself, but as I’m several thousand miles away it won’t be another golden gate 😉

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  2. Wow this is so good. You are definitely doing better and better with every piece of drawing you come up with. The bridge, the water, the small plants on the side and even the distant structures look so real and perfect. Shading, as usual, great! Love it.

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