The Chess Game

A ten sentence short story… I also think this one should be expanded before adding it to the collection. Some history between these old friends… 

Every day Abraham Stein set up the chess board in the park. The game was always in progress, but Abraham never accepted offers to play. Every day he sat for an hour, staring at the board, not making a move. At the end of the hour, he would slide all the chess pieces back into the box, fold the board and walk the five blocks back to his apartment at Temple Beth Israel Retirement Home.

The ladies of Temple Beth Israel wondered about Abraham Stein, trying always to dissuade Abraham from his routine. As he walked each day to his appointment in the park, he would shoo them away with a wave of his hand.

One day, after some weeks had gone by, a man in a wheelchair was wheeled by his nurse to the place opposite Abraham in the park. Abraham smiled, without looking up from the board and said, “It’s about time you showed up.”

Saul Rosenberg snorted and said, “I missed you, too, you old meshuggener.”

Abraham pointed to the board and said, “It’s your move.”

52 thoughts on “The Chess Game

  1. Heart warming. Yeah, I know – such a cliché. Hey-ho. 🙂
    Oh and by the way – I love the quote on your header. Last year I finally finished collecting all of John Irving’s books and then I read them – one after the other. It was quite an experience – that guy has really grown some over his writing career. Thanks for reminding me. 🙂

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    1. That’s wonderful! I recently changed the blog title and tagline. I used to have an Oscar Wilde Quote – “She tried to look picturesque, but only succeeded in being untidy.” But while funny, wasn’t reflective of my blog content! The Irving quote is far more appropriate for this mid life crisis I call authorship! 😀

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