Foto Friday – #cyw Color Your World, week 3

Here are the colors for this week’s Color Your World Challenge by Tourmaline

I have resumed working on my novel Here Lies a Soldier – a story that is set in both modern day and in the time of the First World War. As I opened up the Pages file and dusted off my notebook, I was reminded of my 2013 trip to the Flanders region of Belgium – where many of the dreadful battles of The Great War were fought. Many of the fallen soldiers from both sides of the conflict are buried here. We visited two of the Commonwealth cemeteries just outside of Ypres and toured the ‘Flanders Fields War Museum’ -a very somber and moving experience. This week’s photos are from this trip.

1. Asparagus: the shade of the grass at Bedford House Cemetery outside of Ypres.

2. Aquamarine: the backdrop to a display of gas masks used during the Great War, In Flanders Fields Museum, Ypres (the color is a bit of a stretch, I admit…)

3. Gold: a chandelier in the lobby of our Brussels hotel

4. Chestnut: the door in the wall of Tyne Cot Cemetery outside Ypres

5. Plum: the coat of arms in the tap room of De Halve Man Brewery in Bruges

6. Manatee: the stone fountain Mannekin Pis in Brussels

7. Silver: the dome on the gateway of Tyne Cot Cemetery, outside Ypres.

Foto Friday – Color Your World #cyw – Week 2

This week’s entries for the Color Your World Challenge from Tourmaline!

1. Inch Worm: From the Philadelphia Auto Show 2017

2. Robin egg blue: a walk along the Thames in London


3. Yellow orange: The Gardens at Kylemore Abbey, County Galway, Ireland. I have no idea what the flowers are…

4. Fuzzy wuzzy brown: A nice Irish Pale Ale!

5. Pink Flamingo: my hydrangeas, the season before I killed them!

6. Wild blue yonder: Bucks County sunset in December

7. Timberwolf: back to Kylemore Abbey in Ireland.

Foto Friday – Color Your World, Week One #cyw

In an attempt to stretch my photography skills, I have signed up for the “Color Your World” Photography Challenge from Tourmaline. Every day for 120 days, a new color from the Crayola color palette will be the featured challenge. I am opting to post all the colors for the week in one post. Here are my photos for the week one colors:

1. Bluetiful (YlnMn blue) – a great piece of art from my pal Beach (go see his photos!)

2. Almond – I know, I know LAZY!

3. Mahogany -My Nana’s hope chest brought over from Scotland in 1923. (It’s pine, not mahogany)

4. Shocking pink – this might not quite match the Crayola color but the sky at sunset was so amazing, I pulled over on the side of the road to get the shot with my phone!

5. Indigo – the sky, not the berries in the foreground.

6. White – my resurrected orchid!