Drawing Adventurously 2019 (7)

The theme is “Out like a lamb’ this time around to say goodbye to March and welcome April with its showers which hopefully bring May flowers.

When I was a child, we lived in very rural, northeastern Pennsylvania on 80 acres of isolated land. We always used to tease my father that he was a frustrated farmer because he wanted to keep animals and grow crops despite working as an attorney during the week. The result was that we had a pair of ponies, a dozen ducks to live on the pond, a couple of worn out apple trees and three fields of hay which the real farmers would cut in the late summer for use on their real farms. The final members of our menagerie were a small flock of sheep. In the spring, we’d shear them for wool and one of the teachers from my elementary school would spin it into yarn and knit sweaters and socks and hats and mittens with it. Nice memories. Anyway, for the challenge this week, here is my ‘lamb’: