When you have all the time in the world…

This writer’s life.

I haven’t got a “real” job at the moment, I have all the time in the world and yet, I am having trouble focusing on the task of writing. While taking a break can be healthy and restorative, there is a risk of losing momentum, sometimes forever.

This must sound indulgent, but I really hope it doesn’t come off that way. Most aspiring authors are trying to fit writing in around work that pays the bills. I have the ‘luxury’ of being at home for the time being. Nevertheless, I’ve been a very busy woman for a very long time. I’ve been secularly employed from the age of 16 and this is the first time in all those years, I haven’t earned an income [aside from very modest book royalties, which only amount to the cost of an occasional dinner out]. Anyway, my plan has been to use this time to concentrate on the next novel. I just can’t seem to get going. I have lots of excuses: taking care of the business of the international move, my office isn’t set up yet and my writing space is important to me, the house is too empty and I need to get a cat… Even writing blog posts instead of working on the novel! Doh!

I suppose it’s easy to procrastinate, knowing you have all the time in the world. Creative pursuits, unless of course, you have been commissioned to complete a project, and are on a deadline, tend to be more fluid. The book always needs further revision, the painting needs just a little more touching up or the drawing needs a slight adjustment. These things can become forever incomplete or unfinished. Even creativity needs to have a certain amount of discipline imposed upon it. It’s time I made a schedule and stuck to it. Plan my writing time and prioritize. And even if the writing isn’t good, developing the routine will be. Mediocre writing can always be revised. But first you have to write it. I really don’t have all the time in the world. It is a commodity that once expended is gone forever. Best get back to work!

19 thoughts on “When you have all the time in the world…

  1. You’re living in such a beautiful place now…perhaps concentrate on your photography for a time. You may just be urged back to your writing by a particular vista, or animal, or person along the way! Then, you won’t care if you are at your desk or sitting outside in the grass! You’re a writer. You will write. I have no doubt. Enjoy!

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    1. Actually, my husband found this place that uses recycled pipes to make any height desk support you want. We can get a piece of countertop for the surface and voila! I’ve gotten accustomed to having a standing desk so that works perfectly!

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  2. Love the quotes at the end. My favorite place to write is in my recliner – with a good pen, a steno pad, and a glass of wine at hand. 😁 Sometimes I’ll draft directly in the computer, but longhand just feels more “right” to me.

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    1. That sounds like a great writing setup! 🍷 I like to write on paper, too. I often play out scenarios in my notebook before committing them to the computer. That and post it notes! I have a bit of an obsession with them! 😜

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