Drawing Adventurously 2019 (24)

As an only child, of an only child and another parent with one sibling who had no children of his own, I have a very small family (not counting my husband’s side of the family) and all but one of them has passed away. All that’s left in my branch of the family tree are my mother and me. So obviously I drew my mom. She came of age in the mid century with all it’s glamour and fashion, so I poured over my photos till I found this beauty and based my drawing on it:

29 thoughts on “Drawing Adventurously 2019 (24)

  1. You have done a splendid job Meg! Your mom will be proud. You resemble her to a large extent. How about posting one of your photographs when you were approx her age in this pic? By the way, is shd doing okay in US?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Prema! She’s doing well. We’re going to see her later this month and I’m looking forward to it! I will see if I have any good photos of me at that age. I’m not optimistic!


      1. Glad she is doing well. She will be certainly happy to meet you and get updated on your new journey in life! Maybe you will find a photo in her album!

        Liked by 1 person

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