Monochrome Monday – Black and White Photography (36)

The theme is ‘tables and chairs’ for Cee’s Black and White Challenge this week. Here are my shots:

Window seats at Cardiff Castle:

In the tap room of Evil Genius Brewery in Philadelphia:

Have a seat outside Garavan’s Pub in Galway:

19 thoughts on “Monochrome Monday – Black and White Photography (36)

      1. Looking online so far, but I did talk to a realtor when I was over last week. We won’t look seriously until after the new year. I just hope my house here sells. That makes me nervous!

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      2. it should be a lot of fun! We don’t want to be any further than half an hour from H’s work but that still gives us a lot of options. Galway is a small city so you can be out in the country pretty quick! As long as I can get a bus easily enough, we might be able to get away with only having one car, too!

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