Monochrome Monday – Black and White Photography (35)

The theme for Cee’s Black and White Challenge this week is: tongues/tails.

Fawn tail:

Tongues of fire:

Feathered tail:

And the late great Jay Dog’s tongue:

16 thoughts on “Monochrome Monday – Black and White Photography (35)

    1. Yes back in July. It was mixed in with some other things though. I couldn’t talk about it right away. He had been going down hill and we knew it was time. I miss him so much 😞

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      1. I am so sorry, Meg. I really hate losing a pet. Chief was 15 in July and still hanging on but I’m dreading making a decision as he, too, is getting more fragile. I think he will be our last, which is also pretty sad…

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      2. It is the worst decision a pet parent has to make. I will have to think long and hard about getting another dog, too. I’m not sure I could go through that again. I’m sorry about Chief, too. Their lives are so entwined with ours, and all our memories. ❤️


      3. I’m so sorry, Dee. That is rough to have so many losses happen at the same time of year. Well, November is here so I hope the season gets better for you! ❤️

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