The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 26: Mythical Creature

Following the chart to 52 drawings this year.

In English folklore, Mab is queen of the fairies. As per Mercutio’s speech in Romeo and Juliet, Queen Mab is also described as a midwife who delivers the wishes of men in their dreams. She is sometimes mischievous, but never evil, at least in folklore. In modern film and television, she has been depicted as villainous, but that is not her original persona. Here is my mythical Queen Mab:

15 thoughts on “The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 26: Mythical Creature

  1. Really nice! I always open yr skrtches to have a closer look and admire the way you shade certain parts, darken certain parts and leave somethings lighter for contrast. Lovely to look at!

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    1. Thank you so much, Prema! These ‘fairytale’ drawings are favorites of mine. I picked up the pencils, thinking I would illustrate a children’s story I was working on. So the very first things I tried to draw were fairies and pixies!

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