One Tree

One lonesome tree

Gives such welcome shade to me

One lonesome girl with grass stained knees

With her book, finds quiet and peace

Still working on the next section of Small Cuts. Sorry for the delay! Hopefully I will have it for next Friday.

20 thoughts on “One Tree

  1. Love this. Brings back memories of when I was young, sitting outside under one of our big trees with some project or another. I remember making little purses out of a wide old velvety belt my mom gave me to use! I haven’t thought about that in forever!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a great memory! I had a big tree with a giant, flat rock beneath it, and that was my hangout spot. I’d pretend it was an island and I was marooned on it! 😃

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very nicely drawn tree! I wish i could draw like you. The tree has real feel to it. When i draw, it looks like only a drawing in 2d, something without life!😔


    1. Thank you! It takes practice in shading and blending. Once you get a feel for making the shades graduate from light to shadow, it gives the drawing three dimensions. Start with basic shapes: making a circle into a sphere, a triangle into a pyramid, a square into a box. And don’t fret, you are doing great!

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