The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 16: Musical Instrument

Following the chart to 52 drawings this year.

I love all kinds of music and what I listen to is largely dependent on my mood and whatever activity I’m engaged in. When I am writing I tend to listen to music without lyrics so as not to be distracted by ‘words’ –this means soft electronic music, jazz or classical. In that spirit, I chose to draw a violin for my challenge this week and to share a few minutes of one of my favorite pieces of violin music: Brahms Violin Sonata No. 3

26 thoughts on “The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 16: Musical Instrument

  1. What a drawing and a lovely piece of music–I didn’t know that one and I love violin music. My fave for violin is probably “Lark Ascending,” but I can’t write while I have any music on, unfortunately. Even without words I get distracted!

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    1. Thank you! We all do it a little different. There’s some part of my brain that needs to be distracted so that I can concentrate on another thing. It’s weird. For example, if I listen to an audio book, I need to be working on something with my hands, even if its just a game of solitaire!


  2. Lovely drawing! I can usually listen to music with lyrics when I write. My problem is when the tv is on. That’s distracting even if I am not really watching what’s on. Sometimes, the kids watch and I put in my earbuds with music so I don’t have to go off to a different room… lol

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    1. Thank you! H always has the TV on. If I don’t feel like retreating to the subterranean lair, I plug in the earbuds too! I cannot pay attention with that in the background!

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