The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 3 – Plants

Following the chart to 52 drawings this year. Water lilies, a favorite subject of Claude Monet – those famous residents of his garden at Giverny. The water lily is said to symbolize peace and renewal, since they resolutely return even after the severest droughts. Here is my sketch of the water lily:

18 thoughts on “The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week 3 – Plants

  1. Great job! Water lilies always remind me of lotuses. (They’re not the same – I looked it up because I was curious! :-))
    There’s a saying my yoga teacher often quotes “May you live like the lotus, at peace in the muddy water.” I love that sentiment!

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      1. I know it. And actually I started working on it again yesterday afternoon. I have some major revisions to make but I’ve made some extensive notes! Thanks for the encouragement, Drew!

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  2. I signed up for a course at my local art institute titled ‘Art & Journaling for Summer Travel and Memories’. I realize I just need to take a sketch pad and drawing pencil and be adventurous. But I need better drawing skills. The beginning drawing class I took was not usueful for teaching me skills.

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    1. Oh you should see some of my early attempts – they were truly dreadful. I think the most important thing an artist frowned told me was to ‘see’ the subject I was drawing. Not to draw what I imagined the subject to look like. I’m sure you could find some useful tutorials on YouTube. That’s how I’m learning to paint. Best of luck to you!


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