The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week One – My Choice

Remember the Year Of Drinking Adventurously in 2016? This is a slightly less debauched weekly challenge for 2018. I found a chart on Pinterest, with subjects to draw during each week of the year. Week one is my choice. It only seemed fitting to start off the challenge with something writing-related, so here is my sketch of the Queen of Mystery: Agatha Christie:

33 thoughts on “The Year Of Drawing Adventurously – Week One – My Choice

  1. And I thought you’d draw something relatively simple…like a pencil for writing. A 8 sided object suddenly doesn’t seem so easy.

    So that’s what she looked like. I heard about her when I was a Cub-sprout, but never saw a photo of her. Just Lord Baden-Powell. Now that would have been a real challenge.

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    1. Thank you! I struggle with symmetry – getting the eyes the same size, for example. And doodles – have you ever seen The New Yorker cartoons? Some of them don’t even qualify as doodles! And someone is making a killing at it!

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      1. Hahaha! That could work – a great play on words – the comic stripping. I’d have to make the ‘comic’ recognizable though! Hmmmm… 😜 Ah, i hope the headache goes away soon… maybe with sleep tonight.

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