When you can’t write….

It seems I have a short attention span. Writing continuously for the past three days on my novel has already taken its toll. But in the spirit of remaining creative and yet giving the writing a rest, I picked up the pencils to sketch. I’m still struggling with symmetry and I don’t have the angles quite right, but it’s an improvement I think… Voila:

And here’s the photo I copied:

Meret Oppenheim 1934, Man Ray

49 thoughts on “When you can’t write….

      1. I really need to! I told Robert he should draw like you did, because he seemed to not be having a good day. Maybe everyone will draw and be happy and relaxed. 🙂

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  1. Quite a lovely job on this Meg. As an artist I feel that faces are the most difficult to paint/sketch, catching the nuance, it’s very difficult. Bravo on a fine capture.

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  2. Pretty good. You have her look down. I think if you start with an oval for the head first and then the neck, then work from there, that might help with the face shape being a bit softer. Pinterest is great for pins on helping to draw faces and features. Great job.

    Liked by 1 person

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