Wordless Wednesday – Sainte-Chapelle

Photo my own.IMG_0125

53 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Sainte-Chapelle

      1. I have a similar photo hidden away somewhere… and it served as an inspiration for a print I did in college (you know, carving, then printing). I really need to get my art out and photograph it so I can post!

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      1. I need to get back into it. Been a while, and the soldering part is a use it or lose it kinda skill. The next piece I do will probably look a little haggard. And, I need one more thing on my plate, don’t ya know. 😃

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      1. It was full of other tourists while I was there, but everyone kept their voices to a murmur. Hushed reverence. But I wonder what the acoustics would be like with all that glass? Hmm…

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      1. Heaven & Hell is the sequel to Doors of Perception which describes his LSD trips, in H&H he goes all mystical and talks about the importance of religion and how in an age without adequate lighting how bloody amazing and revelatory stained glass would have appeared

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    1. It is breathtaking isn’t it? The “Holy Chapel” – Sainte Chapelle was the chapel within the grounds of the royal palace of the king of France in the city of Paris. King Louis IX commissioned the chapel to hold relics he had purchased and brought home to France, most notably the ‘crown of thorns’ placed on the head of Christ during his trial and subsequent execution. Work on the chapel began in 1238 and construction was completed in 1248. It has most extensive 13th century stained glass collection in the world. Its said that the soaring walls are just a delicate framework to hold the magnificent windows.


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