Two lovely years


I just got the notice that it’s been two years since I started my WordPress blog. I’m not sure if my stats are amazing or pathetic compared to other blogs. But I do know this… I’ve met and made some wonderful friends. I’ve received support, encouragement and hopefully given the same in return. I’ve shared a whole lot of laughter and a little bit of tears. I’ve expanded my knowledge, broadened my horizons and honed my writing skills.

I just want to say thank you to all of you for following along and making this a great place to be. Merci beaucoup!


46 thoughts on “Two lovely years

  1. YAY!!!!! That sure needs a toast. Pop the champagne, already! So glad to have met you and been a part of this journey. Hope I didn’t cause any of those tears. I love those hand-written/sketched notes that you add to your posts. Love you, sister! Congratulations on two awesome blogging years. 🙂

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    1. Thank you for being here! And you surely weren’t the cause of any tears! Besides they were those shared with friends who were going through some things. You’re such a great friend and I’m so glad to have met you too! Love you too Sister!

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      1. I’m glad they had you with them during those trying times. This blogging is a journey of life of its own, isn’t it? the friends we meet, the relationships we build and the impact we have on each other lives. I can’t thank blogging enough for bringing me in contact with amazing people like you. Here’s to many, many, many more such years and moments. 🙂

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