Envy – A limerick

I see the way you covet the throne
Take Mjolnir for your own
But Thor’s the heir
To Odin’s chair
Loki, your envy leaves you standing alone

In response to Mind and Life Matters limerick poetry challenge.


30 thoughts on “Envy – A limerick

      1. Not yet… I watch too much television and I’ve saved that for after a bunch of finales have aired so there’s more time. I’m hoping to start watching from the beginning this week… I can’t wait to see it!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I saw the ad last night for the finale… during “Fear the Walking Dead”… and “Preacher”… I’d love to watch all episodes while the kids are at school but I think John will be bitter if I watch while he’s at work… lol

        Liked by 1 person

      1. You know it’s sort of like comparing delicious fruits with those two lovely men, but I always prefer wit over brawn personally. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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