Aw, you shouldn’t have. No really…

I admit it.  I am really bad at responding to these awards!  With a day job, regular blogging and a disciplined writing schedule, sometimes adding one more thing isn’t easy to do!  However, I find myself with a little extra time and I decided to be a good sport and respond to the lovely folks who nominated me.

Visakha at Worldy Words and Kaushal at Expressive Human both nominated me for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award, an award whose name alone will make you feel guilty for not responding!  😀  Also, Anand at blabberwockying nominated me for something a while back and I never got back to it so I’m including him here, too.  Also because he’s awesome!

Award Rules:
•Display the award on your blog.
•Announce your win with a post and link back to nominator.
•Present 6 deserving bloggers with the award.
•Link your awardees in the post.
•Write 7 interesting things about you.


I nominate:

*see bottom of post

7 interesting things about me:  (I hope you find this interesting, anyway)

  1. I am not afraid of heights
  2. My dream job would be backup singer (except I can’t sing!)
  3. My dream home would be a travel trailer so I could pick up and move all over the place whenever the spirit moved
  4. My response to tense situations is to joke around
  5. I don’t like to shop.  For anything.  Not clothes, shoes, furniture, food, etc.  I’d like the drones to deliver everything to my door!
  6. I don’t like when people pretend to be smarter than they are.  There isn’t a prize for that.  There’s no shame in admitting you don’t have the answer.
  7. I can’t come up with a 7th thing!

Next, Shilpa at iamabloggertoo, nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award:


The Sunshine Blogger Award rules:

• Thank the person that nominated you. Thanks Shilpa!
• Answer the 11 questions from your nominator.
• Nominate 11 bloggers and give them eleven questions to answer.

How would you rate your level of positivity ? It’s completely dependent on the situation.  Overall, I’d say I’m pretty positive but there are certain issues I have real struggles with.  If someone wanted to, they could make me feel bad about myself pretty easily.
What is your biggest achievement ?  It’s a tie!  I’m a Doctor so that’s pretty cool, right?  But I’ve also published 2 novels which fulfills a lifelong dream!
What do you think is your biggest strength? Ability to see beyond outward appearances.  Not an innate quality but one I’ve cultivated.
Which books do you like to read ?  That’s a tough one because I have so many favorites.  I’ll tell you what I’m currently reading and loving:  A Desperate Fortune by Susanna Kearsley.  It’s the story of a woman who is autistic but is a brilliant code breaker.
What inner talent/skill did you not know that you actually had but came to know of it later?  I’m a decent golfer!
Which is your lucky number ?  zero, just kidding!  I have no idea!
How would you define happiness?  Happiness is a rainy day with a book and a cup of tea.
How many places have you travelled to so far ? I’ll list countries: Canada, US Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Ireland, The United Kingdom, Belgium, France and Italy.  I have a huge list of places to visit, too.
Which is your favorite color ? I know black isn’t technically a color… 
How would you rate your level of patience ?  Again, depends on the situation.  I can be very patient as a teacher but very impatient when trying to assemble something that needs assembly!
Do you think you are a creative person ?   Yes!  I can make up a story about anything!
Which is your favorite vehicle ?  Spaceship!

Now about those nominations.  I’d have to nominate a total of 17 people between these 2 awards.  Heres what I’m going to do instead:  I’m going to post a link to Blogger’s World and let anyone that would care to participate, have a go.  Hear that Blogger’s World?  You’re all nominated!

10 thoughts on “Aw, you shouldn’t have. No really…

  1. Can i copy- paste Rashmi’s comment? Wanted to say exactly the same thing! 😀
    And Golfer?!!! Spaceship?? What are we, siamese twins in another life? or soul sisters, in this one?
    Congrats, Dr. Sorick! umm.. can i add three more exclamation marks? 🙂
    Congrats, Dr. Sorick!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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