Diary of a New Writer – (2) I’m a writer! Now what?

(Part 1 can be found here.)

It all started with a fancy notebook.  Well, not super fancy, but better than a plain-old, college-ruled, spiral-bound notebook, anyway.  Every writer keeps a notebook, right?  I had a collection of beautiful pens.  I started a secret (so my friends wouldn’t guess what I was up to) Pinterest board and pinned a bunch of writing quotes and suggestions.  I revisited my Tumblr blog, which to this point was basically:

a Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, David Tennant fangirl site, and started following some actual writing blogs!  I downloaded a thesaurus app for my iPad, opened up a fresh document in Pages on my iMac.  I was ready to do this!          *crickets chirping*      Ummm….

What do I write about?  Should I start with a short story?  Practice by following some writing prompts?  There is no shortage of them floating around the blogosphere and social media.   Do I follow that old platitude of ‘write what you know?’  Meh.  I don’t want to write an autobiography.  Write what you like to read!  Better!  A mystery?  Yes!  A little romance?  Oh, yeah!  Some humor to break the tension?  Absolutely!  Ok, the ideas were starting to form!  Now, where to begin.  I decided a short story was the way to go.  I also knew this:  I wanted to write about a strong, capable, female character.  (Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it’s a cliché, but what else would you call her?)  Next, I had to figure out what would happen to her.  Here were some of my early ideas:

  1.  She is a doctor who has volunteered with a group like Doctors Without Borders.  The doctors are sent into a war zone and captured by the rebel insurgents.  When they are finally rescued and returned home, our main character has PTSD and tries to heal and recuperate by retreating to her family’s cabin in the mountains.  She finds a home in the local community and love with another damaged soul (enter handsome male character).  Meanwhile, someone in her former group believes she was witness to a crime committed in the war zone and comes after her.  She finds herself fighting for her life once again.
  2. A burned out executive realizes that climbing the corporate ladder is not the way to happiness. She gives up her high paying, high stress job and takes a teaching job at small, rural college.  She rents a house in the village near the school and befriends her landlord, the retired police chief, who lives next door.  The current chief of police is an inept bungler and the old cop, along with our heroine, end up solving some big mystery (I never established what it was).
  3. Our heroine is a teacher who decides to escape the noise and pollution of the city for the summer and spend the break at her family’s cabin in the mountains.  (Are you sensing a theme, here?)  The property backs up to an abandoned mountain retreat built at the height of the Industrial Revolution.  During the late 1800s to early 1900s the place served as a spa, but later was turned into a mental institution for the rich who wished to lock their crazy relatives away.  It has been closed down since the 1970s.  So why can you sometimes still see lights shining through the trees?  Our heroine and her handsome neighbor must investigate!

There are more of them, but these were better developed than the rest.  I still might eventually do something with them.  By this point, half of my fancy notebook is full and I can’t make up my mind.  I re-read my Pinterest board quotes.  I gave myself a pep talk.  “Just start one of them and see where it goes.  If it sucks, move on.”  I chose option number one: my doctor story, and started my opening scene.  Dr. Lindsay and her brother and her father are unloading the car at the cabin.  Show, don’t tell, right?  Beautiful scenery, gorgeous sunset, dust motes floating in the sunbeams shining through the cabin windows…  Yawn.  I  wasn’t feeling it.  But then…

Then!  …a flash of inspiration hits you and you just have to run with it!  That is exactly what happened when I imagined Jennifer Dunne.  I saw her in my mind, cast Jennifer Lawrence to play her in the movie.

images(I actually named her Jennifer after Ms. Lawrence!  I took her last name from the Dunne department stores in Ireland. Image via vulture.com)

I had the starting point of the story in mind.  Life was about to get complicated for this young woman.  She was about to uncover a secret from her mother’s past.  What happens next?   Well, duh, she meets a hot guy.  Together, they dig into the mystery.  She becomes the target of some ruthless criminals.  How will she handle it all?  I knew how I wanted the story to end.  Secret uncovered, mystery solved, bad guys dealt with.  This was great!  This was no short story, it could be a novel!  I just need about 90,000 more words!  Hmm.  She has friends, she has a job, she has family.  All these minor characters and subplots need to be developed.  The clues to our mystery need to be slowly revealed.  Are the police involved?  What about the relationship between the young couple?  Is it smooth sailing or do problems arise?  I had some list-making and organizing to do.  That’s what I’ll tell you about next time!  Oh, and my Tumblr blog?  It’s now a Colin O’Donoghue fangirl site!  Just kidding, Colin plays a part in the next installment!

29 thoughts on “Diary of a New Writer – (2) I’m a writer! Now what?

  1. Very interesting story behind your novel. Must be a wonderful Mystery. I have loved Mystery films forever!

    This post is so captivating with such interesting pictures and story!
    Good Morning and have a lovely day Dr. Sorick!
    Love and light ❤
    Anand 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are a series so reading from the beginning is probably the best. I’ve tried to write them in such a way that if you read them out of order, you wouldn’t be lost, though. The first one is Three Empty Frames. That’s the story I’m writing about in my “diary” posts.


  2. This is brilliant, Meg! Not only did I enjoy the post about your writing journey, I got to learn a lot, thank you for the pointers on how to make notes and work up the story for a novel! 😉
    Even I love fancy notebooks and colored pens, I have a pretty big collection of stationeries…just love to use them on my notebooks! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You sound super cool….we would probably be friends in real life! 🙂 Seriously, though, I love reading the backstory to your book! I’m still getting over the fact that you worked at Gap. We kind of don’t believe that part of your story! Ha!!! Love this!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this! I grinned all the way through, because I’m in the cricket chirping / notebook filling phase right now, so everything you shared was resonating. It’s always encouraging to see that successful writers went through much the same process I’m entering.
    Looking forward to the next installment!

    P.S. Hurrah for Hiddleston fangirl sites! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are the 3rd person in the last two days who has mentioned Tom Hiddleston – I’ve got to find out who this dude is! haha!
    Great post – and some great plot ideas. My problem is I keep them swimming around in my head. I need to get them on paper (or in computer), even if they’re not fully formed.

    Liked by 1 person

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